Sperm Vitality Assay Kit

VITALITY ASSAY KIT allows the evaluation of the quality of the sperm membrane and the differentiation between live spermatozoa (intact membranes) and dead ones (affected membranes)

Clinical evaluation sperm survival is through detecting the integrity of the sperm membrane.
This kit can be routinely detected the survival rate of all sperm specimen. By dye resist staining method to identify cell membrane integrity of sperm, so as to arrive at the percentage of live sperm.
Dye resisting staining technology principle is relevant based on the damage to the cell membrane, For example, a membrane in a non-live (dead) cells, allowing non penetrate the membrane dye can enter the membrane staining.
Assessment the vitality of a sperm sample. Nigrosin increases the contrast between the background and sperm heads, making the sperm easier to visualize. Eosin stains only the dead sperm, turning them a dark pink, Whereas live sperm appears white. This staining technique must be performed Immediately after collection and liquefaction.
Storage condition

Sperm vitality assay kit  should be kept out of sun and stored at the temperature of 2~8° C for 6 months.

Sperm sample

Semen samples should be collected in a sterile container. The staining sperms should be performed. Fresh sample is needed.

Instruction for use


Eosin-Nigrosin staining method

the dead spermatozoa are stained red or dark pink while the live spermatozoa white or light pink.


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